Sunday, June 14, 2009

Herriman - Playing in the Water at the Park

Here are some fun pictures of the kids at the park they had a Blast in the water
So Grandma say's "hey guys" and they turn around and say "CHEESE". Love them!

Hey grandma, hey grandma come here, this is Squishy!

Damian trying to get the girls wet.

Damian trying to catch the water. Good luck bud! :)

So you would think that this would maybe just be a mist, not, it soaked you.

He pulls thee most funniest faces, I just had to get some on camera. He's quick and on the go.

Graduation of D.A.R.E, Yeah Brittany

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some pictures of Joshua Graduation

Brittany, Josh, Nick and I at Joshua's graduation for high school. I wanted to get a picture of him in his cap and gown but he had hurryied back to change so fast, we were too late. I complained a little to josh and he replied with "well you can get a picture of me in a black cap and gown next time". GED cap and gowns are green & a trade cap and gown will be black. So watch for that black cap & gown.

I had him hold up his tasle since I didn't get a picture of him in the cap and gown. Oh yes, it was very hot in the gym, I think you can tell by my face that it is not a sunburn, it was hot. ; )

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Memorial day out at the Knolls 2009

So going through my pictures that I took out camping on Memorial Weekend, it looks as if I really didn't get any camps pictures other than these fun pictures of us out on the hills of Knolls.
I just love seeing these hills becuase they can change just with the wind blowing... :)

This would be my favorite picture of brittany coming down the sand knolls.

This is britt coming up the other side of the hill.

Oh... look at the mean machine climbing the hill. that would be a BIG He He

Brittany - knolls 2009

Bobby making his rounds (get it rounds) at knolls

Mr princess (max) out in the sand, he is not liking the sand, hmmm how about the mtns next time.
I guess we will see.

Bobby again...... catching some air.

Brittany giving the peace sign.... ready for a ride!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

G.E.D. now we have proof!

Joshua got his GED.... what a weight lifted off the shoulders we are going to frame it and hand it on the wall... great job josh! YEAH

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bobby & I took off to 5 mile the other day and out on the ride we happen to find the cactus in bloom. The colors were so bright a beautiful had to get a picture. We came upon the sheep and baby lambs but when we stopped for a picture we were swarmed with flies. Bobby yelled how bad do you want the picture... I yelled back, just go! we also found a cute little lizard trying to stay warm on the rock.

Damion's 2nd birthday...

Birthday boy, big number 2. Love the hair!

Damian getting ready to blow out the candle's and sister making sure he gets it right.
Of course spider man cake.

Having the best part of the Birthday

We were so happy that Grandma and Grandpa Jones was back in Utah for his birthday so they were able to make it to the birthday. Glad to have them back home.

Opening presents, I think he was having fun throwing out the tissue paper out of the bags and watching it fly.

more presents....
and more presents......

and finally more presents....

What would summer be without baseball!

We love to go and watch Nicholas play baseball, it just wouldn't be summer without baseball games. With a nice hot dog or hamburger for dinner.
Nicholas in the dugout trying to make me think he is mad at me for taking his picture.

Big hitter, big hitter!

Nicholas playing third base...

Mom & Dad at the ball park watching & cheering on Nicholas and his team.

kid's at the baseball park, how they grow fast.

Dad's 66th 70 is looking close....

Hhhhhmmmm wonder why this picture looks familiar?

Some flowers I found outside in the yard

Josh out on the deck, what a nice day it was for a birthday
Haylie & Damian out on the deck waiting for pappa's birthday party to start
Damian out on the deck waiting for pappa's birthday party to start.

Grandpa cooking his own dinner on the grill.
Damian & Haylie waiting for cake to be served.
Pappa's new camping hat. Now he is ready for camping.

Nothing like having ice cream with family on the front porch.